Breast Screening Rate is Down…But Why?

Hello bOObs Bloggettes: I read an interesting article put out by MedPage Today stating that the breast cancer (BC) screening rate has dropped from 74.1% to 67.1% from 2009 to 2016. Let’s look at why this might be so. First of all, the authors writing the analysis for an article in the Journal of the National Comprehensive Cancer Network (the NCCN is the keeper of such figures) were scratching their heads as to why this drop Read more…

Let’s Take Back our Health, Ladies!

Hello bOObs Bloggettes: A few thoughts on the journey through my film endeavors: My bottom line of both projects is to help people — via education, enabling and empowerment — to take back their health. There’s so much being thrown at us from environmental insults, things in our food, our air, our water. It’s a constant battle to stay healthy and free from chronic diseases, like cancer. But it’s totally achievable. I disclosed my personal Read more…

Where’s the Common Sense in BC Screening? 2

Hello bOObs Bloggettes: I’m re-posting this for those of you who have just joined us and/or missed this one; it’s a good overview for the problems we face in screening. Something I sadly concluded while researching my film and upcoming book on breast cancer (BC) screening was this: Today’s screening program lacks A LOT of common sense that could easily be improved upon. Let’s walk through some of the items I encountered in the medical Read more…

More on Why Mammograms are “Mandated”

Hello bOObs Bloggettes: I received a comment from a woman who said it wasn’t totally clear in one of my blogs as to why women had to get a mammogram before an ultrasound, lightly questioning my assertion that it was a “mandatory” prescription on the part of doctors. I know this topic is a wee confusing so I thought I’d dive deeper into this to explain further. The Standard of Care (SOC) in breast cancer Read more…

Breast Cancer Screening after 75: A Tale of Four Women

Hello bOObs Bloggettes: Today I’m going to share a few elderly friends’ stories about breast cancer (BC) screening as fodder for any of you with mothers in the age group of 75+. — I previously mentioned my friend who had an irregular mammogram around age 75, but here is a synopsis of her story again. Following a biopsy, the surgeon insisted that the pathologist’s finding that her lump was benign was wrong. So my friend Read more…

“If I choose to get a mammogram, how often?”

Hello bOObs Bloggettes: Thanks for all the interest in my last blog on cancer and sugar intake. I’ll blog more on preventative cancer measures, etc., in the future. Today, I’d like to blog about mammography again to discuss what researchers/decision-makers are saying about screening frequency both in the U.S. but more importantly in the E.U. Based on research and meta-analyses that came to light in the medical literature over a decade ago, entities such as Read more…

“Does Sugar Feed Cancer?” Yes. Here’s how… 2

Hello bOObs Blogettes: We have some new people joining our group and I had a lot of interest in my last blog about reversing a bad situation brewing in my breast through lifestyle changes. So I thought I’d repost this blog about how sugar affects our bodies and contributes to chronic diseases, such as breast cancer. This is one of the single most important facts to understand that enables you to prevent or beat back Read more…

My Personal Thermogram Story

Hello bOObs Bloggettes: I was recently asked about what I did specifically to turn my abnormal thermogram around in a year’s time. Here’s the story from beginning to end. Hope it helps some of you if you’re looking to change your lifestyle to a more healthy one:) In 2016, I went on the road to start filming my first two films about alternative cancer therapies and breast cancer screening. Our first road trip was over Read more…

Over-diagnosis…or Mis-diagnosis of Breast Cancer?

Hello bOObs Bloggettes: Today we’ll look at the difference between a breast cancer patient being “over”diagnosed vs. “mis”diagnosed. Are they the same thing? No, but there are some overlap considerations. Let’s look closer. We’ve discussed the much over-diagnoses of breast cancer, particularly the Stage 0 precancerous condition of ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS; see previous blogs). To review briefly, the word “carcinoma” in a precancerous condition is frightening women into getting prophylactic mastectomies when there Read more…

“Why do I have to get a Mammogram before an Ultrasound?” 2

Hello bOObs Bloggettes: I’m reposting this in honor of International Women’s Day as it’s a topic that many, many women on my “bOObs” Facebook page (and elsewhere) ask me about; also, it received much response when last posted. Women want to know:  Why do I always have to get a mammogram before an ultrasound, even if I have dense breasts? This is an excellent question and I’ll do my best to answer it based on Read more…

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