Going Deep — DEEP! — into Dense Breast Tissue (Part 1)

Hello bOOb Bloggettes! Today we’re expanding on an earlier blog on the dense breast tissue (DBT) issue, which is a HUGE consideration during breast cancer (BC) screening and one women should be well-informed about prior to screening. First know this: 90% of us have some degree of DBT. A woman’s breast density level is determined by what a radiologist sees on her mammogram’s X-ray. Degrees of density are broken down like this, in ascending order Read more…

Watch, Wait and…Reverse!!

Hello bOOb Bloggettes: I was being interviewed for the podcast “What Women Must Know” last week when I got into an interesting discussion with host Integrative Naturopathic Doctor Sherrill Sellman about the use of thermograms in tracking certain inflammatory conditions of the breast. I was pointing out the debate within the medical community over the use of “watch and wait” for certain situations such as the precancerous Stage Zero breast condition called Ductal Carcinoma in Situ Read more…

Why are the Swiss Abolishing Mammograms?

Hello bOOb Bloggettes: It might surprise many of you to know (it did me) that the Swiss are phasing-out mammography due to its detriments. Let’s look at what they based their decision on. Some prominent studies were concluded, and a meta-analysis was performed by the Nordic Cochrane Centre — thought to be the world’s finest research center and most unbiased — which caught medicine’s eye around the globe. After extensive review of the literature, one Read more…

Different Facts, Different Opinions

  Hello bOObs Bloggettes: Today we’ll start to tease apart why women are getting incorrect information on different aspects of breast cancer screening. One of the problems is that three different medical factions are working off of three different sets of information. Let’s look at this example to set up the problem: A woman has dense breasts but is not told by her gynecologist (the referring physician who wrote the mammogram prescription) that her breasts Read more…

Patient “Informed Consent”…or Lack Thereof

Hello bOObs Bloggettes: Today we’ll look at what’s called “Informed Consent,” which is to be given prior to a patient’s medical treatment. This consent is our legal right as a patient and should never be overlooked by practitioners — but often it is. Here’s what’s going on: I interviewed for my film “bOObs” a former state attorney general, who lamented that Informed Consent for patients’ medical procedures is often lacking. Patients are supposed to receive Read more…

Trauma-induced Breast Cancer: Are Mammograms a Culprit?

Hello bOObs Bloggettes. We’re kicking off the New Year with a new blog! One doesn’t think about physical trauma leading to tumor formation but according to the literature sometimes this can happen. We’ll consider this today and look how mammography’s breast compression might fit in. Consider this personal story: My late husband had a cigarette burn scar on his chest for years (a drunken sot at a party bumped into him, he lamented). A doctor Read more…

“Into the Abyss: Stage Zero DCIS” 2

Hello bOOb Bloggettes! I’m going to re-post one more important blog that I wrote before many of you joined us. DCIS is a very pervasive condition and largely over-diagnosed and over-treated so I think it’s important women know about it. Happy New Year and I’ll write anew in January: Today we’ll launch into the rarely talked about but oh-so important topic of DCIS or Ductal Carcinoma in Situ — as this “cancer” represents about 20-25% of Read more…

Myth: “Mammograms are early detection” 2

Hello bOOb blogettes: Under the weather here so I’m going to re-post one of the earlier blogs on breast cancer “Early Detection” that some of you late-joiners may have missed:) Hopefully I’ll get a post out next week during the Holidays then back full-force in the New Year. Enjoy: Today we’ll look at “early detection,” how it’s defined, and if it’s truly possible for breast cancer (SPOILER ALERT: It is!). First things first: Mammograms are Read more…

The Mammogram vs. the “Happygram”

  Hello bOOb Blogettes: Today we’ll be looking at the differing exam reports stemming from a woman’s mammogram. Apparently, what the radiologist sends to the doctor who wrote your mammogram prescription (usually a GP or OBGYN) oftentimes differs from what we as patients see. The latter have been deemed “happygrams” by the organization “Are You Dense” founded by the late Nancy Cappello, PhD. This group has done great work trying to mandate that women receive Read more…

Myth: “3D Mammograms are Lower Radiation”

Hello bOOb Blogettes: Women are often told that 3D mammography will find more cancer and that it’s lower radiation than the “old” 2D mammogram. These are both over-statements. Let’s take a closer look.. First, it’s perplexing that medicine has decided to — instead of investigating a new non-invasive, non-radiative screening device — double-down and invest oodles of money into the new 3-dimensional (3D) “tomosynthesis” mammogram machines, touting them as the future for breast screening tests. Read more…

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