Thermography: A Test of Prevention…and Screening

When I interviewed American Cancer Society’s Dr. Otis Brawley in 2016, he said, “I would love to see even more prevention…” The breast cancer (BC) screening tool of thermography is capable of just that. Let’s see why. Thermography is a U.S. FDA-approved adjunctive BC screening tool to mammography — as are ultrasound and MRI. But mammography is the only test that is considered a “primary screening tool,” therefore you MUST get a mammogram before any Read more…

“Why do I have to get a Mammogram before an Ultrasound?” 2

Hello bOOb bloggettes! I wanted to re-post something that got responses and a topic that many women on my “bOObs” Facebook page (and elsewhere) ask me: Why do I always have to get a mammogram before an ultrasound, even if I have dense breasts and/or want to avoid radiation? This is an excellent question and I’ll do my best to answer it based on what I’ve learned from MDs and other women who have looked Read more…

Why BC Screening Recommendations Changed in 2009

Hello bOObs Blogettes: You might be surprised to learn this (I was) but the American Cancer Society’s chief medical officer has said this: “Mammography is a suboptimal test…We need a better test.” So why would a VP of the ACS say such a thing during our 2016 interview? We’re about to find out. Breast cancer (BC) screening has been controversial from the get-go. First, some researchers were pointing out their concern for radiating women year Read more…

Myth: “Mammograms are low-dose radiation”

Hello bOObs Blogettes and HAPPY THANKSGIVING! I decided to repost this important blog so that the new people joining us might have a chance to learn from it. Suffice to say this: The amount of radiation in a mammogram is much, much higher than the medical establishment is letting on. This is a LONG story with many working pieces, so I’ll write about it over several Blogs, but I’ll give you one takeaway today: When your Read more…

Myth: “Most Breast Cancers are Hereditary”

Hello bOOb Blogettes: I was under the disillusionment most of my life that most breast cancers (BC) are genetically passed down and thus inherited. BZZZZ! Wrong. Maybe it’s because doctors’ offices always ask women if we have BC in our family, i.e., mothers, aunts, sisters, etc. But here’s the truth: Per the American Cancer Society website, “[a]bout 5% to 10% of breast cancer cases are thought to be hereditary.”  Only 5% to 10%!  That was an Read more…

“Does Sugar Feed Cancer?” YES!!! Here’s how…

Hello bOObs Blogettes: This is one of the single most important facts to understand that enables you to prevent or beat back cancer (and chronic disease in general): Sugar is cancer’s best friend!  Whether you have cancer or you don’t want to get it in the future, this is the most critical part of the equation for you to understand — because many doctors do not. Why don’t they? Because many have forgotten their basic Read more…

Practical Breast Health Information

Hello bOObs Blogettes: I’ve had a few inquiries about things cancer other than breast cancer (BC) screening so I thought I’ll diverge into another topic today. My film “bOObs” is on the topic of BC screening, so that’s why I hone in on that subject. But some women have already been diagnosed with BC or have found lumps in their breasts so they are looking for more information pertaining to their situations. For background, I Read more…

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