Hello bOObs Bloggettes:

We’ve had a lot of people join our group (welcome and thank you!) so I thought I’d repeat this blog:

Today we’ll take on a couple of breast health issues many women are puzzled and concerned about, such as aluminum in deodorant and underwire bras causing breast cancer (BC). Short answer is: Yes, you have cause for concern. Here’s why:

BRAS — During interviews with several physicians in my film, they all agreed that bras may make women look “prettier” and help stabilize, but they aren’t necessarily the best thing for breast health. The constriction of bras slows down the natural lymphatic flow out of the breast, which helps get rid of toxins following cellular metabolic functions. The lymphatic system is connected to the blood vessel system and is one of the amazing ways the body protects us from ourselves and all of our bad habits!:) as well as injurious inflammation, etc.

When you have an inflammatory process brewing in your breast, you want to get rid of that inflammation as quickly as possible so it doesn’t become chronic (remember that breast cancer is an inflammatory process). One doctor said this: Ways to reduce breast inflammation includes pumping of the lymphatics through exercise (small trampolines are great for this), manual manipulation of the breast (circular motions with your hands one direction and then the other way for several minutes a day), and not wearing a bra more than 8 hours a day — and certainly not when you sleep! he said. Put it on for work, then take it off as soon as you get home, ladies, and let ’em bounce!  Bouncing is actually the easiest way to get those inflammatory accumulated toxins out of the breast to avoid trouble later.

Another thing to avoid is underwire bras, one doctor emphasized, which restrict the breast even more than the thick elastic band type. PERSONAL STORY: I used to wear those big fancy V.S. (you know those initials, I’m sure) bras with TONS of padding and heavy underwires — they were pretty but boy did those contraptions hurt! I’d forgotten how much until I put one on last year for a special date, and quite frankly, I’m not sure the guy was worth it (sorry, guy:)).

**SOLUTION: Do the above breast “exercises” and replace underwire with supportive yet “healthy breast bras” you can find at a good bra store.

DEODORANTS: This is one hot button to investigate for some reason. Possibly because the antiperspirant industry is worth $1 billion. Or perhaps that what they put into the deodorant to plug up the sweat glands contains aluminum — which has a strong lobby on Capitol Hill. Aluminum is also used as an “adjuvant” in some vaccines so it’s highly defended. Not to go down too far into that abyss, but suffice to say it’s been shown (in the form of the vaccine adjuvant aluminum chloride) to induce autoimmune conditions in certain people. And of course most of us have heard by now that aluminum in the brain can contribute to Alzheimer’s disease. So why the heck are they putting it into antiperspirants near our sensitive breasts??

While there are some studies proposing a link between breast cancer concerns and aluminum-containing anti-perspirants, there are plenty of studies on the other side — and at least some of which are funded by the aluminum industry — saying that it’s perfectly safe. (I’ll go into this really interesting debate that veteran investigative reporter Sharyl Attkisson of “Full Measure” took on with the U.S. FDA and the American Cancer Society in a later blog.)

**SOLUTION:  I switched over to a “Thai Crystal Deodorant Stick”, which is basically a natural deodorant composed of minerals, easy to apply and found in health food stores (Whole Foods carries it). It actually keeps me dryer and “cleaner” smelling than other deodorants so I’m a real proponent of La Stick.

**OVERVIEW: Remember to keep your common sense in sight when dealing with all things Medicine because, as I’ve learned through various personal experiences, Medicine frequently has lost touch with its own common sense in a myriad of areas. Think about it with regards to these two issues and breast health: Why would we put aluminum under our arms near our sensitive breasts and associated lymph nodes so that toxins, through sweat, would have a more difficult time escaping the area? Why would we wear painful (albeit pretty) bras that reduce the natural lymphatic flow carrying toxins out of the breasts that might eventually contribute to a chronic inflammatory condition that could end in cancer formation?  Doing either of these makes no sense to me — and yet I did them for years!!


When a thermogram told me that I had a situation brewing in my left breast, I changed my lifestyle and a year later the inflammation had gone away. Changes included: swapping out supplements for the 3 meds I was on (how did I ever get on 3 meds???); eating only non-GMO organic food; dropping 15 pounds; changing my aluminum-laced deodorant to a Thai mineral stick; and tossing out my expensive underwires for more comfortable and less constrictive braziers. BOOM! We can do this, ladies!

Blog at you soon, thanks for reading and helping to spread the word! (Please see the “share” links below).

Stay healthy,


Megan Smith, M.S.
Director, bOObs: The War on Women’s Breasts

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For more info on my documentary film “bOObs: The War on Women’s Breasts”  or to buy/screen the film: bOObsDoc.com

If you have a comment or suggestion, please contact us here.

DISCLAIMER:  THIS BLOG DOES NOT PROVIDE MEDICAL ADVICE. I am not, nor am I holding myself out to be, a doctor/physician, nurse, physician’s assistant, advanced practice nurse, or any other medical professional.  The statements on this blog reflect the author’s personal opinions.  The content of this blog is for general informational and educational purposes only and is not intended as, nor should it be considered a substitute for, professional medical advice.  The information presented is not intended to replace or substitute for professional medical advice or care, should not be used for diagnosing or treating a health problem or disease, and is not intended for diagnostic or treatment purposes, prescribing any medication, or for use in diagnosis or treatment of any medical or health condition. You should consult your doctor for medical advice or services. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have seen or read on this blog.

Categories: Breast Health


Tracy · February 11, 2022 at 10:12 am

I have seen on some Youtube videos that those mineral crystal sticks also have aluminum or some derivative of aluminum in them and is therefore not as safe/healty as people think. Thoughts?

    Megan Smith · February 13, 2022 at 1:25 pm

    Hi Tracy and thanks for comment. Yes you are correct. I’ll have to research this which will probably entail speaking with a university chemistry professor so it’s going to take some time. But I will share this info in a future blog and put it into my upcoming book: “bOObs: The Truth about Breast Cancer Screening.” Thanks again! Megan

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