Hello bOObs Bloggettes:
NEW BLOG! As it is Breast Cancer (BC) Awareness Month, I thought perhaps I should write about some preventative steps to hopefully keep any BC at bay for women. Specifically, I’ll tell you what I do and what doctors have told me are good ideas; previous blogs have much of this in a lot more detail if your curious about one topic. Simply use the search tool:
- Get your breasts screened for cancer annually — We’ve spoken quite a bit about this, but I get a thermogram and ultrasound annually. The thermogram, the only physiological screening tool, is the only test that can see inflammation before it becomes cancer. So this is true prevention, if all goes well with the test. The other anatomical tools (ultrasound, MRI and mammogram) only see a cancer not usually before 2-10 years of growth when a tumor has already formed. These are more difficult to reverse; that’s why you want to find the inflammation first and reverse that — much easier. I did this myself when a doctor discovered I had a problem brewing in my breast a few years ago (see my blog on this).
- Massage your breasts daily — This is an easy one and one that a doctor (Dr. Ben Johnson, who is in my film) recommended. Massage your breasts by going in circular motions in one direction and then the other, for several minutes. What are you doing? You’re helping move any lymphatic congestion through your breasts, caused by such things as bras (see below). You want to move the lymphatic fluid through your breasts to get rid of all the metabolic waste that is emitted from the cells, as much of it is toxic to the body and will cause inflammation. And cancer is an inflammatory process. Doesn’t that make sense to get rid of toxins when it’s that easy?
- Limit bra use — This same doctor said that bras used more than 8 hours a day can potentially incite inflammation in the breast that could contribute to BC. He said “do not sleep in those things” and try and find a bra that doesn’t have such constriction as an underwire does. I wear only breast healthy bras now. Not as pretty, but neither is BC! He also said that bras can slow down lymphatic flow (see above).
- Use an anti-perspirant without aluminum — Aluminum has been researched and found to contribute to Alzheimer’s and other diseases, so why the heck would we want to smear that around in an area so close to our sensitive breast tissue? And then we constrict the lymph flow with bras. Not a good idea, said Dr. Ben. At the very least find a deodorant without aluminum. I use a mineral based deodorant and I find that it keeps me drier and I smell just as sweet as if I’d used a regular deodorant. You can find these in a health food store or a place like Whole Foods.
- “Let ’em bounce, Ladies!” — This was discussed in my film, but allowing the breasts to bounce is actually good for lymphatic flow as well. In addition, you can just jump up and down and/or use a trampoline which actually helps the entire body move lymphatics around.
- Eat healthy — This will help prevent any chronic disease, of which BC is one. Make sure your water (use a filter), house air (use a purifier) and food (eat non-GMO and organic) is as healthy as you can afford. It really could make a difference. And for petessake, cut out processed sugars, such as sucrose. It is the easiest thing you can get rid of in your diet to make sure that inflammation is kept away. Cancer loves sugar. I don’t care what some of the associations and/or even your oncologist told you: Cancer gobbles up sugar like nobody’s business. It’s in the medical literature, and has been there for decades. Cancer is set up to eat sugar at a high rate of speed due to the metabolic pathways it chooses and higher amount of insulin receptors on its cell well. I’ve had biochemistry twice and I can tell you it’s even right there in my textbook (I’m not kidding). I wrote a detailed blog on sugar and cancer with all the science attributions. Take a look. It’s important to your health.
- Consider a nasal spray to help fight off Covid — Why do I mention this? Because each time I’ve had Covid, I’ve had several skin lesions suddenly pop up on my skin and my problem breast starts bothering me again. There’s much mention in the literature that Covid causes inflammation in many (if not all) systems in the body. So if you have a cancer brewing, it’s going to get angrier. This happened to a friend of mine and the doctor confirmed that they believed the cancer popped up due to a recent bout with Covid. I’ve recently come across some nasal sprays that can (hopefully) stop Covid in its tracks in your nose before it enters the lungs. One of the top medical journals, the Journal of the American medical Association (JAMA), published an article speaking about this concept of using a nasal spray with Xylitol (a natural sugar found in plants) that apparently adheres to the Covid virus and makes it difficult for passage into the lungs. Also, some of these sprays have iodine or grapefruit seed extract that are known to have antiseptic qualities. Anyway, you can find them on the internet or even in your drug store. I’m not making any medical claims here, but I do use this product myself and have others around me that have shown anecdotal success with it.
- I’m sure there are other things but this is all I can come up with off the top of my head;)) Feel free to put them down for folks to see below in comments section.
Please consider making a tax-deductible contribution to my self-funded films during BC Month. See QR code below. Thank you!
Blog at you soon, thanks for reading and helping to spread the word! (Please see the “share” links below.) And we’d love to hear comments from you! (see below as well)
Stay healthy,
Megan Smith, M.S.
Director, bOObs: The War on Women’s Breasts
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For more info on my documentary film “bOObs: The War on Women’s Breasts” or to buy/screen the film: bOObsDoc.com
Our films are entirely self-funded, so we appreciate any contributions. Click on the yellow button below and you’ll be directed to PayPal, where you can make a tax-deductible donation through “From The Heart Productions.”. Or use the QR code.

Please follow us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/boobsthewaronwomensbreasts and Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/boobsdoc/
If you have a comment or suggestion, please contact us here.
Kim B · October 23, 2022 at 5:14 pm
I haven’t heard about Covid making people’s cancer angrier, but I have heard a lot of people getting the Covid jab and having that result. Very sad situation as people are still being coerced into getting that jab.
Megan Smith · November 8, 2023 at 12:43 pm
Hi Kim. Sorry this is so belated. Just finished my second documentary (see next post) so I’ll get back to blogging soon.
Yes, everyone around me is having problems right now it seems. Very sad. The stress of the pandemic certainly didn’t help people’s health at all. We’re all just trying to get back to norm…Take care, Megan